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Jack O'Keeffe, a manual wheelchair user, popping a wheelie in his manual chair.
A Wheelie Good Time – Wheelchair Skills Australia
Recently four of our Physiotherapists – Gabby, Nicole, Damian, and Jordan – attended Wheelchair Skills Therapist Sessions offered by Wheelchair Skills Australia. Wild West…
TheAntarcticaExperience Maritime Museum Hero Image 2024 e1708911939805 The Antarctica Experience 3
The Antarctica Experience
This February, our Director and Physiotherapist Bianca visited the WA Maritime Museum (WAMM) and took part in a guided Virtual Reality (VR) tour of…
Physiotherapist and Seating Therapist Nicole at the Oceania Seating Symposium at the ROVE Wheelchairs stall
Oceania Seating Symposium 2023
In November 2023, our Physiotherapist and Seating Therapist Nicole Whitehead travelled to Melbourne, Victoria for the 2023 Oceania Seating Symposium. The Symposium took place…
Physiotherapists practicing manual wheelchair skills
Wheelchair Skills PD
Coming Soon!
Scarborough Pool Scarborough Beach Pool 10
Scarborough Beach Pool
The summer weather is here, and with it, the opportunity to go for a swim! As of November this year, ActiveLINC has started weekly…
IMG 5636 preview scaled ActiveLINC Participant Xmas Party 12
ActiveLINC Participant Xmas Party
Coming Soon!
PHOTO 2022 10 31 17 52 24 EKSO User Group in Singapore 14
EKSO User Group in Singapore
In October 2022, two of our physiotherapists, Gabby and Sam, were invited to the Ekso User Group Meeting in Singapore. This weekend was an…